Young Church
Christ Church with St. Philip invites all children and young people to join us in our Sunday Services. On a regular Sunday morning we have a space in church set up with craft activities, books and toys for children and young people to do during the service, and we also encourage them to get involved in what is going on in the service as well.
We also have a number of Cafe Church services and All-Age parade services throughout the year where we all join in activities and fun together, across the generations.
Messy Church
Messy Church is held once every half-term on a Saturday afternoon. It is a partnership service and it moves between Christ Church with St Philip and St Oswalds North Cheam. See our Latest news for details about the next Messy Church.
Toddling2Church meets on Tuesdays from 2-3pm. Parents, carers and pre-school children are all welcome to join us for songs with percussion instruments, a Bible story simply and sensitively told, a story-related craft activity and, of course, drinks and biscuits.
Youth Group
Youth group is for children in year 5 and above. It is a partnership group working with Belmont and Cheam churches. We meet every other week on a Sunday afternoon during term time, at St Oswalds Church. For more information, including the dates of upcoming meetings contact hannah:
Boys’ Brigade
The Motto: ‘Sure and Steadfast’
The Boys’ Brigade is a Christian youth organization for boys and young men, founded in 1883.
It now operates in over 60 countries world-wide, reaching out to young people as effectively as ever, through exciting activities and a challenging program.
10th Mid Surrey Company meets at Christ Church with St. Philip on Wednesday evenings. There are three sections for three different age groups:
- Anchor Boys 5-7 years – Wednesday 6.00 – 7.00pm
- Junior Section 8-10 years – Wednesday 6.30 – 8.00pm
- Company/Senior Section 11-18 years
Captain: David Pickett | to find out more, visit 10th Mid Surrey Company’s own website at
Girls’ Brigade
The Motto: ‘Seek, serve and follow Christ’
The Girls’ Brigade is an international uniformed organisation. It aims to help girls learn about the Christian faith whilst having lots of fun at the same time.
Since our foundation in 1893, Girls Brigade has become well known as a fun, interesting, challenging and relevant provider of activities, skills, care and Christian love for hundreds of thousands of young people. The Girls’ Brigade is active in over 60 countries worldwide.
1st Worcester Park Company meets at Christ Church with St. Philip on Thursday evenings. There are three sections for three different age groups:
- Explorers: 5-8 years – Thursday 6.00 – 7.15pm
- Juniors: 8-11 years – Thursday 6.00 – 7.15pm
- Seniors: 11-13 years – Thursday 7.00 – 8.30pm
- Brigaders: 14+ years – Thursday 7.15 – 8.45pm
Captain: Angela Perrins | to find out more, contact Angela on 01344 621170.
Girl Guiding
The following Girl Guiding groups meet at Christ Church with St. Philip:
- 2nd Worcester Park Rainbows – Monday 5.00 – 6.00pm
- 8th Worcester Park Brownies – Monday 5.30 – 7.00pm
- 8th Worcester Park Rainbows – Tuesday 4.30 – 5.30pm
- 2nd Worcester Park Brownies – Tuesday 5:30 – 7:00pm
- 2nd Worcester Park Guides – Monday 7:15 – 8.45pm
If you wish to join one of these groups, please register at or phone 0800 1 69 59 01. All registrations are now dealt with centrally so please register via one of these two methods rather than via the “contact us” page on this website.
Guiding is a game – with a purpose. It provides opportunities for girls and young women to:
- be challenged by new adventures and experiences and achieve a sense of pride in accomplishment
- develop self-awareness, self-respect and self-confidence
- develop a personal faith and values to give life meaning and direction
- think for themselves, govern themselves and make their own decisions
- make friends and have fun in the family of Guiding
- develop a sense of tolerance, justice, kindness and honour learn teamwork and acquire leadership skills, working with and for others
- appreciate the environment and how to live in it
- understand and learn about the world, its people and cultures
There are various different sections of Girlguiding UK and the section you join is largely dependent on your age. To find out more about Rainbows, Brownies or Guides, click on one the following links:
- Rainbows – 5-7 years old
- Brownies – 7-10 years old
- Guides – 10-14 years old
We also have a Senior Section, so if you are aged between 14-25 there are many opportunities within Girlguiding UK.
Adult Leaders are aged between 18-65. There are a variety of opportunities within Guiding that adults can get involved in. You can use existing skills or develop new ones; from running your own Unit to being a badge tester, Treasurer, Secretary or member of a group that provides support at a local level. Guiding only requires that you are willing to support the objectives and have enthusiasm. Men are also welcome a supporters of Guiding, and an increasing number are involved in roles such as Unit Helpers, Advisers and Treasurers. Please contact us if you are willing to help!
Rainbows are aged 5-7 years.
The program for the Rainbow age range provides fun and challenging opportunities for five- to seven-year-old girls. Through a balanced programme, supported by adults, Rainbows are encouraged to make their own decisions. They are encouraged to learn and develop skills that will help build their self-esteem.
- 2nd Worcester Park Rainbows – Monday 5.00 – 6.00pm
- 8th Worcester Park Rainbows – Tuesday 4.30 – 5.30pm
If you wish to join one of these groups, please register at or phone 0800 1 69 59 01
Brownies are aged 7-10 years.
Through the Brownie Adventure, which is full of fun and challenges facilitated by a caring adult, Brownies are encouraged to develop skills and build self-esteem. They are encouraged to begin to make their own decisions and be involved in planning their activities.
- 8th Worcester Park Brownies – Monday 5.30 – 7.00pm
- 2nd Worcester Park Brownies – Tuesday 5:30 – 7:00pm
If you wish to join one of these groups, please register at or phone 0800 1 69 59
Guides are aged 10-14 years.
The programme for the Guide age range provides fun and challenging opportunities for girls and young women. It is based on the premise that girls and young women, helped by a caring adult and given adequate resources, are capable of planning and carrying out their own activities.
- 2nd Worcester Park Guides – Monday 7:15 – 8.45pm
If you wish to join one of these groups, please register at or phone 0800 1 69 59
All registrations are now dealt with centrally so please register via one of these two methods rather than via the “contact us” page on this website.
Junior Music Group
The Junior Music Group (JMG) was formed in February 1992, when we realised two things:
- the then Music Group had a considerable number of teenagers who, though both talented and dedicated, would soon be off to university; and
- an equivalent number of younger children who were learning an instrument had nowhere to play.
It was decided that the younger players would meet weekly on a Friday evening so that they could practise together and gradually filter into the established group. It soon became obvious that the young people were also very keen on drama so this was included on a semi regular basis.
We meet in the Church on a Friday evening between 6.30 and 7.15pm in term time. Our age range is from 8 to 80 – or over – and if you can’t play an instrument you are welcome to join us as a singer, along with our slightly more mature members.
Most Friday evenings will include a mix of music, both modern and traditional, and drama, though we are primarily a music group. Occasionally, we will try out a dance routine, depending on what the young people want. Although we are not ‘uniformed’; we do have a T-shirt with logo, designed for us by a church member.
As well as playing at the monthly Family / Parade Service and on the 3rd Sunday at the evening service we also give (usually) three concerts a year, roughly speaking at the end of each school term. These include a fairly traditional Christmas concert using ‘different’ carols, Christian pantomime and ‘themed’ musicals – for instance based around creation and conservation or telling the story of particular Bible characters such as Thomas, or Stephen, Paul & Barnabas.
We end the summer with a barbecue, and we often start the new session with a ramble and picnic.
Whenever possible or appropriate, our young musicians are involved with the wider activities of the church and have recently contributed a display to the Harvest Festival weekend.
From Harvest to Christmas members collect small change for Breadline Africa.
We asked the group what they would like to include on this website.
Here are some of their comments:
“We love singing with the young music group at services in the church and at the pantomimes.”
“We enjoy performing in our shows, especially the pantomimes.”
“The Junior Music Group – we play music; take part in church services; drama; raising money.”
“I enjoy this group as it is made up of young and old, all music lovers who take part in plays and support the church.”
Holiday Club
Our ever-popular Summer Holiday Club for children aged 5-11 takes place in our church and halls, usually during the last week of the school summer holidays. Each Holiday Club has a different theme for the week – taken from the Scripture Union Holiday Club – but all include a mix of songs, prayers, games, bible stories, activities, drama and presentations. Take a look at the information on past holiday clubs to get a better idea of what happens at Holiday Club.
We can offer places to a maximum of 72 children. These are arranged into 6 groups very roughly split into 5-6 year olds, 7-8 year olds and 9-11 year olds. Due to its popularity, Holiday Club is nearly always over-subscribed so keep an eye on our church notice sheet for details about how to sign up for a place in the early summer.
The success of these weeks has been largely due to the number of adult helpers who have assisted – usually 30–40 of all ages and abilities, some coming all week, others for just one day. If you are interested in helping at our next Holiday Club, please get in touch.
Our Next Holiday Club 2024
Next year’s holiday club will take place from Tuesday to Friday during the last week of August 2024, 9.30am-1pm. All children aged 5-11 are welcome to join us to take part in a range of activities including games, drama, songs, prayers and bible stories. More information please email, booking forms will be available nearer the time.
The last Holiday Club 2023
Thank you to everyone who helped make Summer Holiday Club a success again this year. Our ‘Restoration Station’ Holiday Club ran from Tuesday 29th August to Friday 1st September.